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Hello there, I am Aaron. I believe that “You will never influence the world by trying to be like it”.

So, why I decided to this website? 


I would like to say I am quite an inquisitive person which has been a challenging experience however also empowering. Thinking on a deeper level has enabled me to be to gain a new found, refreshing respect for life. I am quite good with words whether it be writing a poem, telling someone how I feel about them or even just have a thought-provoking conversation so I thought that I could use this to inspire others or merely just give someone an interesting thought to think about. My journey through storytelling, reflecting and creating on my blog @thoughtsbyaaron on Instagram continues to amaze me as it beautifully evolves. From this journey, I have launched my own deep reflection workshops and I am now the co-host on the 'Klarity By K' Podcast, I love being able to bring these human conversations to the platform.



I have always been interested in men’s fashion and finding cool, comfortable clothing tailored to myself. Knowing I had this interest, I pushed it forward and started an Instagram account @outfitbyaaron. Simply, my sister taking pictures of myself rocking a couple outfits and posting them.  So now I want to expand it further and create blog, therefore not only taking pictures however also being able talk more in depth about why and how I styled an outfit, where I get all my clothes from all while creating a unique story/theme to illustrate it. I have also developed my work as a stylist through working with friends and family, to working with private clients and working as a Stylist at a large fashion company in London..



Even though it is not an explicit page on my website, I decided to include in my strap line because I am firm believer in one being confident and comfortable with oneself however also being yourself and unique, quirky or different as inevitably that is what makes you shine.



Dancing since the age of four and I can proudly say it is the one the hobbies I never lost interest of. I love dancing whether at a family function or a performance on stage– it really does take to you to another world. However I am also fully aware that I am not the best dancer and cannot do many cool moves or tricks however it has never stopped me from pursuing in the dance before so why should it now. I started an Instagram account @dancebyaaron where I made simple dance videos and posted them. In terms of my music taste, I have a key interest in both eastern and western songs and was drawn to the fact how there was not much fusion of the two. So I decided to start my YouTube channel ‘Aaron Pandher’ where I mix eastern and western songs together.

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